[grid::brand] Branding Psychogeography!

“We are bored in the city, there is no longer any Temple of the Sun”Ivan Chtcheglov

For this grid blogging specially devoted to the topic of “BRAND”, I came up with the idea of “branding psychogeography”.

According to Guy Debord, “Psychogegraphy is the study of the effects of geographical settings, consciously managed or not, acting directly on the mood and behaviour of the individual". That is to say, "a rather pleasing vagueness" bounded with so-called derive (i.e. drift). The dérive is an example of a situation-creating technique in which one navigate among cities and places. In addition, navigation is just based on our feelings.

Lots of drifting games or scenarios have been invented, like cruising around in Paris with a map of London. The idea of “branding psychogeography is to try to re-create a logo of a specific brand while walking in a city. For instance, you try to form the Nike swoosh while walking in Paris and you must follow this rule (i.e. you should not change the logo expected to be formed by your drift).

Situationists used to write psychogeographical and dérive reports. For this grid blogging, I preferred showing a dérive map that shows the logo