Discovering Personally Meaningful Places from Location Data

An Experiment in Discovering Personally Meaningful Places from Location Data by Changqing Zhou, Pamela Ludford, Dan Frankowski, Loren Terveen at CHI 2005 . My notes in this abstract:

Abstract: As mobile devices become location-aware, they offer the promise of powerful new applications. While computers work with physical locations like latitude and longitude, people think and speak in terms of places, like "my office" or ``Sue's house''. [That's for sure, read Harrison and Dourish, 1996 to get more insights about this topic -nicolas] Therefore, location-aware applications must incorporate the notion of places to achieve their full potential [Of course! places are meaningful for end-users whereas GPS coordinates does not make sense to anybody - nicolas]. This requires systems to acquire the places that are meaningful for each user. Previous work has explored algorithms to discover personal places from location data. However, we know of no empirical, quantitative evaluations of these algorithms, so the question of how well they work currently is unanswered. We report here on an experiment that begins to provide an answer; we show that a place discovery algorithm can do a good job of discovering places that are meaningful to users. The results have important implications for system design and open up interesting avenues for future research.

Interesting quantitative evaluations of the algorithms that turn location data into places.