Etech 2008: Tom Coates about Fireeagle

Tom Coates announced the launching of a geo-service called Fire eagle. 3 ideas behind the scene that informed this project: - we should build services that cam manifest everywhere the network touches - the back-end of ubicomp. - in this new world we're creating, the service should stay in a silo but they should play well with others. - decouple the creation and use of data: one service to create data, another one to use them.

These 3 things are particularly important in the domain of location-based services most of existing LBS are falling into one of these 2 categories: getting location / using location. Very restrictive. A better model: get location on one side and then other services for using location. But we can go past that: if any service in the world you inform any service.

Fire eagle: allows you to share your locations with other sites and services safely through a secure server. Fire Eagle keeps only the most recent piece of location information it has received. It helps you to share your location online as you want, control your data and privacy, easily build location services.

From the user perspective, very trivial, you go and set your location (text, GPS coordinates...) and you can connect with other applications such as Dopplr. And Dopplr can update your fireagle location depending on where you plan to be (the service provided by Dopplr)

Fire eagle is close to the idea of "Spimes", object that represents themselves in space and time.