Various resources from a late sunday evening:

  • Thoughts on Interaction Design compiled by Jon Kolko (.pdf, 2.5mb): "a text intended to contemplate the theory behind the field of Interaction Design in a new way. of elements (...) explore the semantic connections that live between technology and form which are brought to life when someone uses a product"
  • The Nature of Design Practice and Implications for Interaction Design Research by Erik Stolterman in International Journal of Design (Vol 2, No 1, 2008): "The main argument is that this kind of interaction design research has not (always) been successful, and that the reason for this is that it has not been guided by a sufficient understanding of the nature of design practice"
  • About Bill Buxton’s CHI2008 keynote: "Nothing that transforms our culture is brand new. It always takes twenty years. That means that anything that comes out in the next ten years that is amazing has already been around for ten years". Well the power of s-curve ;)