Visual marker on the sidewalk

QR code on the sidewalk Interesting encounter in a one-day trip to Paris this morning: a visual marker, complemented with a unified resource locator on the pavement of Paris, close to Place de la Bastille. Aimed at mobile phone owners who will surely be led to the url.

What's intriguing here?

  • a curious merging of the digital and the physical that depends on the viewer: at first, having a mobile phone or not, you see the digital representation only through the form of an index (the url or the marker). It's only if you use the phone that you can access to the genuine digital layer
  • the presence of the marker in the environment, surely an interesting design issue to be contrasted to representation on posters or marker on magazines (smaller surface that you hand out to other performs, while the sidewalk marker is static.
  • the horizontality of the surface: you have to look at the sidewalk and point it with your phone.
  • the repetition of the url showing different levels and moment of engagement with the content referred to by these inscriptions
  • and the practice of spraying visual market on the pavement per se