Digital parlance #72

  • Zipai: literally ‘self-shot’, is the Chinese word for ‘selfie’, and it indicates both the action and the product of taking a picture of oneself. (Source: Gabriele de Seta and Michelle Proksell)

  • Zoom town: geographical places that are booming as remote work takes off because (or not) of the Covid situation (Source: NPR).

  • To bookshop: to respond to someone on social networking sites with a bookshopdotorg link to your book on that same subject. (Source: Joanne McNeil).

  • Acedia: an old emotion named by the Greeks that correspond to being bored, listless, afraid and uncertain, supposedly common these days (Source: The Conversation)

  • Couple monomail: a French expression that designates couples that share the same electronic mail address, as if they were just one person (Source: overheard in a café in Geneva).