Digital parlance #74

  • Algo-friend: a friend met via a recommendation algorithm, from de Facebook to Tinder or LinkedIn. The term undoubtedly go beyond the notion of online contacts, and the sometimes simplistic accusations of "faux-friendship" about them.

  • LMGTFY: acronym for Let me google that for you (Source ce tweet).

  • Datenhunger: a German neologism describing the appetite for acquiring, and potentially processing and analysing, data. For example: “Googles Datenhunger ist offenkundig” (Google's hunger for data is obvious).

  • Sleeper PC: an incredibly fast computer disguised as ancient 90s era beige box. It will most likely look old on the outside but be brand new on the inside, with the latest processor, RAM and GPU built into a basic shell (Source: Urban Dictionary).

  • “Bisou” (used on the francophone Twittersphere): a French term that means “kiss”, used as an Antiphrasis: "Unless it is addressed directly to you, its meaning at the end of the message varies between ‘f… you' and ‘f… off’ (Source: this tweet, see also the whole thread).