Corporate use of RSS

I thought the Red Herring blogs were dead but it's not the case. They have a pretty good piece about how RSS goes corporate. It's mostly about hy information overload and spam leads enterprises to use RSS. Some excerpts here:

Until the last year, RSS was nearly impenetrable for all but the earliest of adopters, due to the complexity of reader setup, the narrow assortment of available feeds, and disputes over standards. (...) However, MSN, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, Google, Amazon, and AOL are integrating RSS into their portals, and all major browsers will have an aggregator embedded when Microsoft comes out with the new version of Internet Explorer. Various estimates put the number of active feeds at slightly over 5 million. (...) ING Chairman Michel Tilmant wanted to send a message to 115,000 employees without getting blocked by spam filters. The treasury department wanted instantaneous updates to worldwide company phone directories. The corporate leadership wanted to get outside information into its portal, but wanted to control the available channels and feeds. KnowNow CEO Michael Terner says RSS is the solution.

Why do i blog this? following the evolution of RSS is interesting, and I am pleased to see that this good technology is more and more present.

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