Bee-Dogs repository

(via), it's totally cheesy but I have to admit that I like this kind of stuff (it's even better than the 'turn your doberman into a poodle' outfit): Bee-Dogs which is described as "the premier online repository for pictures of dogs in bee costumes". Here is the 'elevator pitch':

I [Gina Zycher] stumbled upon this picture after doing a Google image search, probably for “shih tzu” or something equally ridiculous. I love the idea of taking your dog to a professional photographer, but what made this plucky pet parent decide to dress her fur-baby up like a bee? And the photographer actually had an appropriate background setup! Amazing.  I began to find more and more pictures of beedogs on the web, much to my delight.  After a while, I took to saving the pictures I found. And now, dear reader, I share the beedogs with you. was conceived and created by Gina Zycher.

People interested can contribute to this project.