New blog platform

As you may realize... Pasta and Vinegar has moved to a new platform/server... hosted by LIFTlab. LIFTlab is actually the umbrella network/company that takes care, among other things, of the LIFT events, consulting work... and the publication of diverse things. Other blogs are gathered under this banner. See the ones from Laurent, Fabien or Roberto (and others will join). The idea was to join our forces on a common platform.


What does that mean in terms of content on this blog? actually, pretty much nothing will really change, strange stuff (vinegar) will be mixed with more serious researchy content (pasta). It's just that it was time for a bit of change.

Time for me to give a very warm and special thanks to TECFA (University of Geneva, see the unit logo here), the research unit where I did my masters and which accepted to host my blog for the last 4 years. I am especially grateful to Daniel K. Schneider who supported me in this. + Thanks to Roby and Fabien for taking care of the migration (Technorati Profile).