Portable Zebra Crossing

Just in case you need it: Portable Zebra Crossing:

The Pedestrian's Best Friend: The tyranny of the automobile makes life increasingly tough for ecoconscious pedestrians, and finding a safe place to cross can result in inconvenient diversions and wasted time. Now the pedestrian can fight back. When you've found the crossing point that best suits you, simply roll out the the Portable Zebra Crossing in front of you and cross confidently and in safety at your own pace.

Warning: on busy roads where there is no break in the oncoming traffic, attempting to roll out the Portable Zebra Crossing can be hazardous.

Why do I blog this? do it yourself city reconfiguration (for your own pedestrian purposes) is an interesting phenomenon, from the "city user" point of view. It reminds me this story of a guy who, a few days ago, exchanged roadsigns because he drove too fast (he then exchanged speed limits signs).