Books / Livres

Nova, N., Calvo, S. & Mineur, E. (2024). Chamonix-Sentinelles. Paris: Editions Volumiques.

Nova, N. (2023). Fragments d’une montagne. Les Alpes et leurs métamorphoses. Paris: Le Pommier.

Bleecker, J., Foster, N., Girardin, F., Nova, N. (2022). The Manual of Design Fiction. Venice, CA: The Near Future Laboratory.

Nova, N. (2022). Exercices d’observation. Dans les pas des anthropologues, des écrivains, des designers et des naturalistes du quotidien, Paris : Premier Parallèle.

Allard, L., Monnin, A. & Nova, N. (dir.), (2022). Écologies du smartphone, Lormont : Le Bord de l'eau.

Nova, N. (2021). Enquête/création en design, Genève : HEAD – Genève, collection Manifest.

Nova, N. (2021). Investigation/Design. Genève : HEAD – Genève, collection Manifest.

Nova, N. & Disnovation (2021). A Bestiary of the Anthropocene, Eindhoven : Onomatopee.

Nova N. & Bloch, A. (2020). Dr. Smartphone: an ethnography of mobile phone repair shops, Lausanne: IDP.

Nova, N. (2020). Smartphones. Une enquête anthropologique, Genève: Métis presses.

Nova, N. (2018). Cloud of Practices, Genève: HEAD – Genève.

Kaplan, F. & Nova, N. (2016). Le miracle Wikipedia, Lausanne: PPUR.

Kaplan, F. & Nova, N. (2016). Wikipedia’s Miracle, Lausanne: EPFL press.

Kaplan, F. & Nova, N. (2016). La culture internet des mèmes, Lausanne: PPUR.

Kaplan, F. & Nova, N. (2016). The Internet Meme Culture, Lausanne: EPFL press.

Nova, N. & Vacheron J. (2015). Dadabot, ID Pure: Lausanne.

Nova, N. (2014). Beyond Design Ethnography: How Designers Practice Ethnographic Research, SHS Publishing, Berlin.

Nova, N. & Bolli, L. (2014). Joypads! The design of game controllers, NFL press.

Nova, N. (2014). 8-bit Reggae: Collision and Creolization, Editions Volumiques, Paris. 

Nova, N. (2014). Futurs ? La panne des imaginaires technologiques, Les Moutons électriques, Lyon.

Atallah, M, Nova, N., Pellet, M, & Indermuhle, C. (2014). Pouvoirs des jeux vidéo : des pratiques au discours, In Folio, Lausanne.

Nova, N. & Bolli, L. (2013). Joypads! Le design des manettes, Les Moutons électriques, Lyon.

Nova, N. Miyake K., Kwon, N. & Chiu, W. (2012). Curious Rituals: Gestural Interaction in the Digital Everyday, NFL press.

Nova, N. (2011). Les flops technologiques : comprendre les échecs pour innover, FYP Editions, Limoges. 

Bleecker, J. & Nova, N. (2009). A synchronicity: design fictions for asynchronous urban computing, Situated Technologies, NY.

Nova, N.. (2009). Les Médias géolocalisés: comprendre les nouveaux paysages numériques, FYP Editions, Limoges.

Journal papers / articles de revue

Nova, N. (2023). Mapping Our Digital Menagerie: A Monster Manual for the Megadungeon. magazén, 4(2), p. 271-289.

Payen Jean-Baptiste Valérie & Nova, N. (2023). Hybridation numérique : émergence de pratiques et d’objets créolisés dans le contexte haïtien, Adjectif : analyses et recherches sur les TICE.

Bloch, A. & Nova, N. (2023). An occasion to learn: Unmaking as a Form of Knowledge Production, able.

Nova, N. (2023). Futurs Alpins. Jeu de rôle de futurologie au pied du Mont-Blanc, Terrain, 79, p. 172-183.

Nova, N. (2022). « En route vers le rituel. Une exploration de la maîtrise gestuelle des objets du numérique », Techniques &Culture 78 « Mécaniques rituelles », pp. 208-219.

Bloch, A. & Nova, N. (2022). Smartphone repair stores. Vigia: Zeitschrift für Technologie und Gesellschaft, 2, pp. 172-181.

Nova, N. & Goguey, F. (2020). Le black fax et ses dérivés, Techniques&Culture 74, “Techniques de lutte”.

Nova, N. & Roussilhe, G. (2020). Du low-tech numérique aux numériques situés, Sciences du design, 11(1), p. 91-101.

Bourrier, M. & Nova, N. (2019). (En)quête de pannes, Technique et Culture, no 72, « En cas de panne », pp. 12-29.

Nova, N. & Ribac, F. (2019). Musi[ha]cking. Ce que la musique fait au hacking(et inversement), Revue Volume, 15 (3).

Nova, N. (2019). A Persistence of Magical Thinking, continent, 8.1, Special issue on Apocryphal Technologies.

Nova, N. & Léchot-Hirt (2019). Ethnographier avec le design, Technique et Culture, no 71, «Technographies ».

Nova N., & Vacheron Joël (2018). Dada Data: une introduction aux cultures algorithmiques, Revue Back Office, 2, pp. 92-103.

Nova, N. (2017). Démonter, extraire, combiner, remonter Commodore 64 et créolisation technique, Techniques et Cultures, no 67, pp. 116-133.

Nova, N., Ollagnier-Beldame, M., Quignard, M. (2017). Entretien, interfaces numériques, Vol. 6 (2).

Brown, B. et al. (2016). The IKEA Catalogue: Design fiction in academic and industrial collaborations, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Supporting Group Work (Sanibel Island, Florida, USA — November 13 - 16, 2016), pp. 335-344.

Lemaignan, S., Dillenbourg, P., Sangin, M., Molinari, G. & Nova, N. (2016). The Symmetry of Partner Modelling, International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.

Beaude, B., Nova, N. (2016). Topographies réticulaires, Revue réseau, No 195, pp. 53-81.

Léchot Hirt, L., Nova, N., Kilchör, F. & Fasel, S. (2016). Design et ethnographie : comment les designers pratiquent les études de terrain. Technique et Culture, no 64, «Essais de bricologie. Ethnologie de l’art et du design contemporains», p. 27-38.

Nova, N., Léchot Hirt, L., Kilchör, F. & Fasel, S. (2015). De l’ethnographie au design, du terrain à la création : tactiques de traduction, Sciences du design, No1, pp. 86-93.

Zimmermann, B. & Nova, N. (2015). Circulation: A Theoretical Toolkit, Design and Culture, Vol. 7., No 2.

Nova, N. (2013). A portrait of the Near Future Laboratory, Ubiquity, 1 (2), pp. 235-241.

Nova, N. (2010). Relying on Failures in Design Research, ACM interactions, September+October issue.

Nova, N., Girardin, F., Dillenbourg, P. (2010). The Effects of Mutual Location-Awareness on Group Coordination. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.

Girardin, F., Nova, N., and Dillenbourg, P. (2009). Detecting air travel to survey passengers on a worldwide scale. Journal of Location-Based Services, 3(3).

Girardin, F., Blat, J., and Nova, N. (2007). Tracing the visitor’s eye: Using explicitly disclosed location information for urban analysis. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 6(3):55.

Girardin, F. and Nova, N. (2006). Getting Real with Ubiquitous Computing: the Impact of Discrepancies on CollaborationeMinds, 1

Nova, N. (2005). A Review of How Space Affords Socio-Cognitive Processes during Collaboration. Psychnology, Vol. 3, No 2, pp. 118-148.

Nova N., Wehrle, T., Goslin, J., Bourquin, Y. & Dillenbourg, P. (2007):Collaboration in a Video Game : Impacts of Location Awareness. Journal of Multimedia, Tools and Applications, 32:161-183.

Chapters in books / Chapitres de livre

Nova, N. 2023. From Field Research to Design Fiction: From Clarifying the Present, to Designing the Future, in Daniel Fischer, Marlyne Sahakian, Jordan King, Jen Dyer, Gill Seyfang (eds), Teaching and Learning Sustainable Consumption A Guidebook, Routledge, pp. 322-326

Nova, N. 2023. Les designers-enquêteurs et leur singularité, Pratiques biorégionales de design — Bioregional Design Practices, Arles: LUMA, pp. 149-152.

Nova, N. & Bloch Anaïs (2022). Clinique du smartphone, clinique des usages, clinique environnementale, in Allard, L., Monnin, A. & Nova, N. (eds.). Écologies du smartphone, Lormont: Le Bord de l’Eau.

Nova, N. (2021). Tamagotchi second souffle, In Quinz, E. (ed.). The Behaviors of Things / Le comportement des choses, Paris: Arts-H2H/Presses du réel.

Monnin, A., Nova, N., & Halloy, J. (2020). Au-delà du low-tech : Technologies zombies, soutenabilité et inventions. Dans collectif (dir.), Low tech : Face au tout-numérique, se réapproprier les technologies (vol. 21), Ritimo.

Nova, N. (2019). Où est passé le futur?, in Lartigaud, D-E. (ed.) Space Cheap. Pop Culture et Science-Fiction, pp. 33-49.

Nova, N. (2018). Sociabilités domestiques et numériques, In. Zancan, R. (ed.) L’architecture par l’intérieur: concepts et imaginaires d’une discipline en devenir. Genève: Métis Presses, pp. 89-97.

Nova, N. (2017). Computation ate Cameras, In. Keller, M., Guyon, M., Vacheron, L. (eds.) Augmented Photography, Lausanne: ECAL, pp. 16-23. 

Nova, N. (2016). Generated Detective, un cas d’œuvre transformative algorithmique, In Fourmentraux J.P. (eds.). Digital Stories: Arts, design et cultures Transmedia, Hermann.

Nova, N. (2015). Where did the future go?, in Bühler, M. (ed.) No Internet, No Art. A Lunch Bytes Anthology, Onomatopee: Eindhoven.

Nova, N. (2015). Design Ethnography? Towards a Designerly Approach to Field Research, in Bihanic, D. (ed). Empowering Users through Design Interdisciplinary Studies and Combined Approaches for Technological Products and Services, Springer.

Nova, N. (2015). Everywhere Computing: the Technological Conditions of a Gameful World, in Steffen P. Walz and Sebastian Deterding (eds).The Gameful World Approaches, Issues, Applications, Cambridge: MIT Press.

Nova, N. (2014). Reformulations numériques mobiles. Téléphone mobile et création. Paris: Armand Colin.

Nova, N. (2012). Temps réel et géolocalisation. In Les Nouveaux Temps-Réels, Limoges: FYP Editions.

Nova, N. and Girardin, F. (2009). Framing the Issues for the Design of Location-Based Games, In Digital Cityscapes: Merging digital and urban playspaces. Peter Lang Publishers.

Huang, J., Cherubini, M.. Nova, N. & Dillenbourg, P. (2008). Why Would Furniture Be Relevant For Collaborative Learning? In Dillenbourg, P., Huang, J. & Cherubini, M. (Eds.) Collaborative Artefacts and Interactive Furniture Supporting Collaborative Work/ Learning. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Nova, N. and Labrune, J.B. (2007). Des jeux vidéo au LifeGames: Perspectives tangibles et sociales des nouvelles formes d’interactions ludiques. In Franck Beau (Ed): “Le futur des MMORPG”, Limoges. FYP.

Nova, N. and Girardin, F. (2007). CatchBob! A Collaborative Treasure Hunt: Experimenting on Debord’s Dérive with Pervasive Computing. In on Borries, Friedrich, Walz, Steffen P., Brinkmann, Ulrich, and Matthias Bottger (eds.), Space Time Play. Games, Architecture, and Urbanism. Birkhauser: Basel / Berlin / Boston.

Nova, N. (2006). La R&D en Game Design. In Genvo, S. (Ed.) Le game design de jeux vidéo : Approches de l’expression vidéoludique. 

Art/design catalogues

Nova, N. (2023). *Exploring the Infraordinary: a lexicon*, in (Isabel Piniella, ed.). Sousveillance Staring at the bin Meriel Price Bin the Staring Sousveillance, Verein SoundTrieb, pp. 58-77.

Nova, N. (2020). Assemblage-Machine, in Guyon, M. Aircraft. The New Anatomy, Zurich: Lars Müller Publishers.

Nova, N. (2019). Running with your drones, in Van Leijsen. R. (ed.) Drone Chronicles, Centre de la Photographie Genève & Spector Books.

Nova, N. (2019). We are interested in mundane situations to express futures, in

Nova, N. (2018). Langages des machines, langage machine, Yellow Submarine, no 138, pp. 413-420.

Nova, N. (2018). Fusions champêtres et alpestreries hybrides, Catalogue exposition Camille Scherrer EPFL 2017.

Nova, N. & Debatty R. (2017). Paradigm Shift, Mapping Festival 2017, Geneva, Switzerland.

Nova, N. (2017). Mémoires associatives/Associative Memories, introduction HEAD10 The Mental Show, Geneva (Switzerland).

Nova, N. (2017). Très facile à ranger dans un sac ou une poche de blouson, Floppy Poppy Widy Matter C.14, Genève (Suisse).

Nova, N. (2016). Reconquête de l'ubiquité, Exposition Impulsions, Laura Couto Rosado, espace d'art Le Moulin, La Valette-du-Var (France).

Nova, N. (2016). What is speculative (critical) design to you? Responses for “21st Century. Design After Design” XXI Triennale di Milano.

Nova, N., Bleecker, J. Girardin, F., & Foster, N. (2016). New Idioms for Sci-Fi Producers, Organ Everywhere, No 5.

Nova, N. (2015). Design et science-fiction. Catalogue for the "Invention/Design. Regards croisés" exhibit, Musée des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France.

Nova, N. (2015). Me, My Cloud and I, Catalogue of the "Poetics and Politics of Data" exhibit, HeK, Basel.

Nova, N. (2015). Swamp Tech. Revue Fiction, No20, mars 2015.

Nova, N. (2014). La migration de la pratique ethnographique vers le design, Revue Totem, Musée d’Ethnographie de Genève, No 66, pp. 23-25.

Nova, N. (2014). Sci-Fi Wahabi/Gulf futurism. Revue Fiction, No19, juin 2014.

Nova, N. (2014). Avez-vous un visage si la machine ne le voit pas ? Revue Fiction, No18, février 2014.

Nova, N. (2014). Postface à Minuscules flocons de neige depuis dix Minutes (David Calvo), Les Moutons Electriques.

Nova, N. (2013). Interfaces, pop-culture et hybridations frénétiques, Exposition Antonin Fourneau « HACK'n PLAY !, Cergy, France.

Nova, N. (2012). Place/Neworks intersections. Catalogue for the "Sensing Place. Mediatizing the Urban Landscape" exhibit, Hause für Elektronische Künste Basel.

Nova, N. (2012). Question your game controllers!?, Catalogue for the "Playtime — Videogame mythologies" wchibit, Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon, Switzerland.

Nova N. (2010). Une brève histoire de jeu, Interview for the Museogame Exhibit, Musée des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France.

Nova, N. (2010). Snapshots from a Fictional Asynchronous City, Catalogue for the HABITAR: Bending the Urban Frame » exhibit , pp. 71-73, Laboral, Gijon, Spain.

Conference papers / Communications

Payen Jean Baptiste, V., Nova, N. & Schneider, D.K. (2019). Learning mobile repairing by doing and with others. In J. Theo Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2019 (pp. 1320-1324). Waynesville, NC: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Nova, N. (2016). Fête foraine ou living lab, Journée d'étude Happy city: faire la ville par l’événement?, Pavillon Sicli, Genève, Dec 9, 2016.

Nova, N. (2016) “Can you give its soul back?” Maintenance and repair of a shifting object, 4S, August 30.

Guignard, C., Keller, P. & Nova, N. (2016). Inhabiting and Interfacing the Cloud(s), unfrozen, Swiss Design Network, Brienz, Jan 28.

Guignard, C., Keller, P. & Nova, N. (2015). Inhabiting and Interfacing the Cloud(s), Renewable Futures Symposium, RIGA, Oct 8-10.

Nova, N. & Jobert, T. (2011). User-Centered Design in Video Games: Investigating Gestural Interfaces Appropriation, Proceedings of ACM DPPI 2011 (June 22-25), Milano, Italy.

Nova, N. (2010). ARcetate: Augmented Reality with Acetate Paper. Papercomp workshop at 12th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Sep 26, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Dabic, S., Lund, K, & Nova N. (2010). Effects of Expertise, Mapping and Tutorial Format on User Experience when Gesturing with the Nintendo Wii. Conférence IHM 2010, Luxembourg.

Nova, N. & Jobert, T. (2009). Intuitivité et incorporation des interactions gestuelles chez les utilisateurs de jeux vidéo. IHM 2009, Grenoble: France.

Nova. N., Sangin, M. & Dillenbourg, P. (2008). Reconsidering Clark’s Theory in CSCW, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP’08), Carry-le-Rouet, May 20-23, 2008.

Sangin, M., Nova, N., Molinari, G. & Dillenbourg, P. (2007). Partner Modeling is Mutual, Proceedings of the 8th iternational conference on Computer supported collaborative learning, Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, pp. 625-632

Nova, N., Girardin, F., Dillenbourg, P. (2006) “Investigating How Automatic Disclosure of Partners’ Location Influences Mobile Coordination”, Poster at Ubicomp 2006, Orange County, CA.

Girardin, F., Nova, N., Blat, J. (2006) “Towards Design Strategies to Deal with Spatial Uncertainty in Location-Aware Systems” , Poster at Ubicomp 2006, Orange County, CA.

Nova, N., Girardin, F., Molinari, G. & Dillenbourg, P. (2006): The Underwhelming Effects of Automatic Location-Awareness on Collaboration in a Pervasive Game, International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (May 9-12, 2006, Carry-le-Rouet, Provence, France).

Nova, N., Girardin, F. & Dillenbourg, P. (2005): ”Location is not enough!”: an Empirical Study of Location-Awareness in Mobile Collaboration. Proceedings of the third IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, November 28-30, 2005, Tokushima, Japan, pp. 21-28, IEEE Press: Los Alamitos, California (Acceptance rate: 11.6%)

Nova, N., Girardin, F. & Dillenbourg, P. (2005) Etude empirique de l’utilisation de la géolocalisation en collaboration mobile, Short Paper for IHM 2005, Toulouse, France.

Nova, N., Girardin, F. & Dillenbourg, P. (2005) A Mobile Game to Explore the Use of Location Awareness on Collaboration. HCI International 2005, Las Vegas, USA.

Nova, N. & Ortelli, R. (2004). Web-Based Syndication Enhanced with Social Navigation, 1st Workshop on Friend of a Friend, Social Networking and the Semantic Web, Galway, Ireland. [Had to cancel the presentation but the paper is there]

Nova N., Wehrle, T., Goslin, J., Bourquin, Y. & Dillenbourg, P. (2003). The Impacts of Awareness Tools on Mutual Modelling in a Collaborative Video-Game. In J. Favela and D. Decouchant (Eds.). Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Groupware, Autrans France, September 2003., pp. 99-108.

Nova N., Wehrle, T., Goslin, J., Bourquin, Y. & Dillenbourg, P. (2003). Awareness Tools and Mutual Modelling in a Collaborative Game. In Proceedings of International Conference on New Education Environments, pp. 83-88. Edited by C. Jutz, F. Fluckiger & Karin Wafler, Lucerne, May 26-28.

Nova N. (2002). Awareness Tools : Lessons from Quake-Like. In Proceedings of “Playing with the Future Conference” Manchester, UK.

Guin-Duclosson Nathalie & Nova Nicolas : Utiliser des connaissances abstraites ou contextualisees pour proposer differents types d’aide Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication dans les Enseignements d’ingénieurs et dans l’industrie, TICE2002, INSA de Lyon, 13-15 novembre 2002.

Guin-Duclosson N. & Nova N. (2001). Adapter l’aide à l’apprenant : utilisation de connaissances abstraites ou contextualiséees. In Sciences et techniquesEducatives Vol. 1-2 (avril 2001). Hermàs : Paris.

Other writings / Autres

Nova, N. (2024). Rebuts numériques, Bulletin de l'Académie Suisse des sciences humaines et sociales, 2024, 30 (1), pp.12-13.

Nova, N. 2023. Nouvelles de la technosphère alpine, revue Exercices, No. 2, pp. 148-161.

Nova, N. (2018). Superstitions numériques, King Kong No 1, Namur.

Nova, N. (2014). Postface pour Minuscules flocons de neige depuis dix minutes (David Calvo), Les Moutons Electriques.

Nova, N. (2014). NDF-001: Avez-vous un visage si la machine ne le voit pas? Revue Fiction.

Nova, N. (2010). De Super Mario à eBay, les mécaniques ludiques sortent du jeu vidéo, Amusement No5.

Nova, N. (2009). Du RFID sur les trottoirs, Amusement No4.

Workshop papers / articles d’atelier

Léchot Hirt, L., Nova, N. (2016). Design Ethnography: opening the black box - how to draw design decisions from ethnographic observation, Proceedings from CUMULUS Conference, Hong-Kong, pp. 552-553.

Girardin, F., Nova, N. and Blackstock, M. (2007). Issues from Deploying and Maintaining a Pervasive Game on Multiple Sites. Workshop Common Models and Patterns for Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2007).

Nova, N., Molinari, G. and Dillenbourg, P. (2007). Evaluating Mutual Modeling in CSCW environments. Workshop “Mutual Model in collaborative task”, CSCL Alpine Rendezvous, Villars.

Dillenbourg, P. & Nova, N. (2006): The RoadForum: Sharing informal knowledge in a distributed team through a mobile audio environment. Workshop about Knowledge Sharing in Organizations, at the International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems., (May 9-12, 2006, Carry-le-Rouet, Provence, France).

Nova, N. and Dillenbourg, P. (2004). Impacts of Location-Awareness on Group Collaboration. Position paper for the workshop “Spatial Awareness in Collaboration and Group Interaction”, 7th October EPFL.

Nova, N. and Girardin, F. (2004). Analysis of a Location-Based Multi-Player Game, Position paper for “Games and Social Networks: A Workshop on Multiplayer Games”, 6th September University of Leeds, UK, British HCI conference.

Technical reports / rapport techniques

Nova, N., Girardin, F. & Dillenbourg, P. (2008). A Descriptive Framework to Design for Mutual Location- Awareness in Ubiquitous Computing. EPFL Technical Report LDM-REPORT-2008-001.

Nova, N., Traum, D., Montandon, L., Ott, D. and Dillenbourg, P. (2005), Do Partners Care about their Mutual Locations? Spatial awareness in virtual environments, EPFL Technical Report IC/2005/038

Nova, N. (2004). Socio-cognitive functions of space in collaborative settings : a literature review about Space, Cognition and Collaboration, EPFL Technical Report IC/2004/81.

Nova N. & Guin-Duclosson N. (2000). Liens entre l’apprentissage à partir d’exemples et le Raisonnement à Partir de Cas – Apports pour les Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain. Rapport Interne du LISI RR2000-2