Digital parlance #75

  • Cellular humanities: “the cellular humanities are precisely about that to which we are not paying attention: the ubiquity of these small computers that more and more people have, as well as a cluster of mentalities, behaviors, and attitudes that develop along with the machines. They’re about how the social fabric is changing around us rapidly, and where we feel these changes the most.” (Source: Public books).

  • "Munchausen-by.internet”: a term describing the pattern of behavior in factitious disorder imposed on self, wherein those affected feign illnesses in online venues (Source: The Guardian)

  • Travailler d'arrache clavier: French neologism expressing the fact of working hard on one's computer, as if you were damaging the keyboard. (Source: David Aymonin)

  • Prospiracy: the spreading of real information using the tone and style of conspiracy theories combining “the lure of forbidden knowledge & the highly shareable nature of conspiratorial thinking for good…” (Source: emolink)

  • Bougietech: “Mennonite engineering solutions for convenient low tech living; off grid, unbanked, and unbothered.” (Source: Noah Raford, NFG)

(Reposted from Lagniappe #75)