Object evolution

A recurring topic on this weblog is the evolution of technical objects. The game controller project is of course one of the reason for this interest but it goes beyond this category of artifacts. Some examples of genealogy trees we are inspired of in the project below. They come from a book by Yves Deforge, a french researcher, who produced lot of material about this topic. His book "Technologie et génétique de l'objet industriel offers an interesting introduction to theoretical constructs (based on Gilbert Simondon's work) and a good series of examples:Technologie et génétique de l'objet industriel (Yves Deforge)

Technologie et génétique de l'objet industriel (Yves Deforge)

Technologie et génétique de l'objet industriel (Yves Deforge)

Technologie et génétique de l'objet industriel (Yves Deforge)

Technologie et génétique de l'objet industriel (Yves Deforge)